Maxicare Heath offers both contracted & non-contracted preventative maintenance Servicing and Cleaning of equipment to both Hospitals and Aged Care facilities. This can include, Electric Beds, Trolleys & Stretchers, Patient Lifters & Standing Hoists, Sling & Harness Inspection, whilst consecutively undertaking Weigh Scale & Weigh Chair Calibration, equipment repairs and equipment condition audits.
The benefits of having a preventative maintenance Servicing and Cleaning contract include supplied documentation for accreditation kept on site & available via Maxicare's data base, priority attendance to unscheduled call outs and reduced pricing on servicing & repairs.
Not only do we ensure your equipment continues to deliver the best possible performance through regular preventative maintenance servicing we go above and beyond, cleaning your product as well.
Our experienced Technicians undertake timely Servicing and Repairs to meet WorkSafe standards at the recommended frequency, or more frequently if desired by the Facility.
Recommended Frequency:
Annual Bed Servicing & Cleaning (including Trolleys & Stretchers).
Annual Sling & Harness Inspections.
6-monthly Lifter & Standing Hoist Servicing & Cleaning.
6-monthly Weigh Scale & Weigh Chair Calibration.
As required Equipment Repairs.
All provided to you by our friendly team of Technicians & office staff.